Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Gun Control Problems and Solutions - 968 Words
The problem with guns is fairly obvious: they decrease the difficulty of killing or injuring a person. In Jeffrey A. Roths Firearms and Violence (NIJ Research in Brief, February 1994), he points out the obvious dangers. About 60 percent of all murder victims in the United States in 1989 (about 12,000 people) were killed with firearms. Firearm attacks injured another 70,000 victims, some of whom were left permanently disabled. In 1985, the cost of shootings was an estimated $14 billion nationwide for medical care, long-term disability, and premature death. In robberies and assaults, victims are far more likely to die when the perpetrator is armed with a gun than when he or she has another weapon or is unarmed. I believe that†¦show more content†¦This has been the position of the NRA for quite some time, and it is certainly one with which I agree; Felons and ex-cons should not have access to weapons, and many misdemeanors and juvenile crimes should also count against a persons adult record. Stiffer sentences for gun crimes would be effective in using fear of reprimand as a crime deterrent. National as well as community funded gun education courses would increase gun awareness and safety. These programs could even be extended to public schools. Many guns are involved in accidents that could easily have been prevented by a little care or forethought. Also gun purchasers could be required to take lessons in gun safety, at the purchasers expense. Again, the NRA has long been a proponent of gun education. Gun control is severely weakened by the few loopholes that exist in the system. These loopholes make it possible for minors and felons to obtain outlawed and high-powered weapons. They also serve to weaken the strength of the Brady- Bill and Gun registration. Adults are prohibited from transferring firearms to juveniles, but are not required to store guns in securely locked cabinets. This allows kids to get access to them. This Child Access Prevention (CAP) proposal would require parents to keep loaded firearms out of the reach of children and would hold gun owners criminally responsible if a child gains access to an unsecured firearm and uses it to injure himself orShow MoreRelatedEssay about Gun Control Will Not Reduce Crime1076 Words  | 5 Pagesimplementation of gun control in the United states is a large problem as it will take away the 2nd Amendment rights and would also stop the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals who obtain guns ille gally. The right to bear arms is promised to citizens of the United States, and to put gun control into effect is to take away their Constitutional rights. 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